

Welcome to the licensing page for 'YJ: Your Justice'. We are committed to respecting and protecting intellectual property rights. The following outlines our licensing policies and guidelines:

Ownership of Photos and Videos:

All photographs and videos featured on this site are produced and owned by 'A Curious Tractor'. These visual assets are protected under copyright laws and are used with explicit permission for 'YJ: Your Justice'.

Ownership of Stories:

Stories shared on our platform are the intellectual property of the individual storytellers. Each narrative is unique and remains under the ownership of the person who has shared their experiences with 'YJ: Your Justice'.

Intellectual Property of Stories:

The stories presented on our site are more than content; they are personal accounts that hold significant value. As such, the intellectual property of these stories is fully respected and maintained.

Restrictions on Sharing Stories:

It is strictly prohibited to share, replicate, or use any stories from 'YJ: Your Justice' without obtaining proper permission. This ensures that the integrity and ownership of the stories are preserved.

Procedure for Obtaining Permission:

To use or share any stories from our platform, individuals or organizations must seek permission through our official channels. Please use the contact forms or email addresses provided on our site to submit your request. We will review each request carefully to ensure compliance with our policies and the wishes of the storytellers.

General Licensing Enquiries:

For any general licensing questions or clarifications, please reach out to us via the contact information provided on our website.

At 'YJ: Your Justice', we take intellectual property rights seriously and endeavor to foster a respectful and legally compliant community. By adhering to these guidelines, we can collectively ensure that the stories and content on our platform are protected and shared responsibly.